Muhammad A.A.M. Harisi, Nurul F. Ibrahim, Suhaizan Lob, Norhidayah C. Soh, Ramisah M. Shah


Colletotrichum genus can survive in many plant parts and remain dormant for a long time. This situation triggered a problem in the field, storage and marketing sections since it becomes a source of inoculum to spread anthracnose disease. Therefore, information on fungal pathogens causing anthracnose disease on chilli and their pathogenicity level is important for breeding purposes especially for strategies management control of the disease. This study was aimed to identify fungal pathogens and its pathogenicity causing anthracnose symptoms on red chilli isolated from seven districts in Terengganu, Malaysia. For this purpose, fungi associated with anthracnose disease were isolated and identified using morphology and molecular characteristics. Then, the pathogenicity test was evaluated for all the isolates to determine its pathogenicity. A total of 19 fungal isolates were morphologically identified as Colletotrichum species. From these, eight isolates have been identified as Colletotrichum capsici isolated from district Kuala Nerus and Marang; and 11 isolates have been identified as C. acutatum isolated from districts Kuala Nerus, Kuala Terengganu, Kemaman, Dungun, Besut and Setiu. All the isolates were able to cause infection to the chilli pod with different levels of disease severity ranging from 53.3% to 100%. Different species of Colletotrichum genus was able to infect many different parts of chilli plant and other hosts. The data of this study can provide information on correct identification of the pathogens, predict the occurrence of anthracnose disease, and help in management of the disease.


Plant disease, chilli, Colletotrichum, morphology, molecular, pathogenicity

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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Amali Aizat Muhammad Harisi, Nurul Faziha Ibrahim, Suhaizan Lob, Norhidayah Che Soh, Ramisah Mohd Shah

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