Evan P. Ramdan, Arief Hartono, Giyanto Giyanto, Sri H. Hidayat, Widodo Widodo


This study investigated soil characteristics that have the most significant influence on basal stem rot (BSR). Surveys and soil sampling were carried out at the research site located in Lampung, Indonesia in June 2021. The sampling was conducted on three categories of land with mild, moderate, and severe disease incidences. A total of 20 soil-related variables, including physicochemical properties as well as disease incidence and severity, were analyzed through the Pearson correlation and Lasso regression. The results showed that four soil chemical properties, namely Mg, K, Na, and base saturation, were negatively correlated with the incidence and severity of BSR, while Mn had a positive correlation. The Lasso regression equation model that affects the disease incidence is Y = 92,19-20,77Mg-6,93K+0.19Mn (%Dev = 60%), whereas the equation affecting the disease severity is Y=98,46-4,25pH-23,12Mg-3,32K-0,07KB+0.03Mn (%Dev=62%). These results can guide decisions regarding BSR control in oil palm plantations. To reduce the disease intensity in oil palms, fertilization recommendations must pay attention to soil chemical properties, such as an increase in pH and cationic base factors (Mg, K, and BS) and a decrease in Mn.


disease incidence; disease severity, soil health, suppressive soil, agro-ecology

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33866/phytopathol.036.01.1029


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Copyright (c) 2024 Evan Purnama Ramdan, Arief Hartono, Giyanto Giyanto, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Widodo Widodo

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