Nodira Azimova, Ilkhom Khalilov, Fazliddin Kobilov, Muhammad L. Nazirov, Sergey Elansky, Elena Chudinova


An isolate belonging to the genus Phytophthora was isolated from samples of infected potato plants in Uzbekistan. The morphological characteristics of the isolate were studied and the fungus P. infestans belonging to the type of oomycetes was determined. The colony of Phytophthora. sp isolate is colorless and the mycelium appears porous when growing.When studying the microscopic appearance, it was found that the hyphae are not septated, the width of the hypha is 2.5-4.4 μm, the width of the sporangium is 12-17 μm, and the length is 18-25 μm.It was found that P.infestans has amphigynous antheridium with oogonium and chlamydospores.To determine the exact phylogenetic status of this isolate, rRNA gene ITS region (845 bp) and cox2 (627 bp) gene were PCR amplified. The phylogeny of both marker genes showed that the isolate was P. infestans and named P. infestans TVKT-1 due to its closeness to P. infestans species. The analysis of the ITS region of the rDNA gene as a barcode alone does not provide enough information for the identification of species belonging to the genus Phytophthora, for this, it is important to study the genetic analysis of oomycetes with the additional study of the cox2 gene. Compared to Phytophthora infestans species in the NCBI database, P. infestans TVKT-1, which we isolated, was found to have SNP mutations in the ITS region (16, 23, and 29 nucleotides) and cox2 gene (362, 364, and 365 nucleotides) nucleotide sequences.


Phytophthora infestans; morphology; ITS rDNA; cox gene; molecular identification; amplification; PCR

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