Selvi Helina, Hasriadi M. Akin, Nuryasin ., Muhammad Nurdin, Erika Febrianti


Begomovirus infecting eggplants were detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in total nucleic acid preparations of eggplant leaf samples. This study aimed to detect and identify the Begomoviruses infecting eggplants of Yumi F-1 variety from the leaf samples collected from Pajar Agung Village, Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The identified TYLCKaV was inoculated to eggplants, tomatoes, and chili peppers to evaluate its phathogenicity according to disease simptoms. The Results confirmed that Begomoviruses are responsible for eggplant leaves. Based on phylogenetic tree of AC2 and ORF AC1 sequence, the Begomovirus showed high homology with Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus (TYLCKaV) infecting Capsicum annum and C. melongena. The result showed that the inoculated plants expressed symptom variations, such as yellowing, leaf edges rolling up, apical shoots to permeate, vein banding, little leaf, and dwarf.


Begomovirus, eggplant, Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus, whitefly

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