Tuo Seydou, Aboure A. Hermine, Ouattara Brahima, Bamba Barakissa, Camara Brahima, Kone Daouda


Maize (Zea mays L.) is the staple food of many people in developing countries. However, during postharvest storage of the grain, various biotic stresses have been reported. Among these are molds caused by a complex of fungi, including those of the Fusarium genus. To combat these postharvest molds, growers and traders frequently use synthetic pesticides during grain preservation. However, the abusive use of these synthetic pesticides poses a problem of environmental pollution and human health. Faced with this situation, sustainable management strategies are being sought as alternatives to chemical control of these molds. Therefore, this study was initiated with the aim of contributing to food safety through the biological control of Fusarium fungi, one of the agents responsible for postharvest molds. In vitro mycelial radial growth inhibition tests at five concentrations (200, 400, 800, 1000 and 2000 ppm) were performed with five biopesticides (BIOSAKINE 50 EC, NORDINE 50 EC, NOSTAG 50 EC, RHOSO 50 EC and WACHET 50 EC) formulated with aromatic plant extracts. Results showed that the biopesticide RHOSO 50 EC completely inhibited the radial mycelial growth of all Fusarium sp. strains at a concentration of 2000 ppm. The biopesticides RHOSO 50 EC, WACHET 50 EC, and NOSTAG 50 EC were effective in inhibiting the radial mycelial growth of Fusarium strains. The biopesticides NORDINE 50 EC and BIOSAKINE 50 EC were the least effective. The biopesticides RHOSO 50 EC, WACHET 50 EC, and NOSTAG 50 EC can be proposed as part of an integrated pest management program against Fusarium fungi, which are responsible for postharvest mildew in maize.


Biopesticides, survey, fungal genera, Post-harvest, maize, molds, Zea mays

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