Muhammad A. Iqbal, Muhammad A. Fareed, Areeba N. Ali, Memoona Imdad, Atta U. Rehman, Arsa Riaz, Hafiz M.T. Khan


In terms of productivity, potential for spread, and area covered, citrus is regarded as one of the major fruit crops. Citrus fruits account for around 37% of all fruit produced, with mandarins and oranges making up nearly 21% of this total. These days, citrus greening disease (CGD) is a major concern. Citrus decline is a complicated issue that causes orchard output to gradually drop until it eventually results in unproductive orchards. Citrus greening, tristeza, and gradual decline are the most prevalent illnesses that cause citrus decline. This study's goal was to determine how common citrus greening illnesses are across Sargodha's citrus-growing tehsils and kinds. Data on prevalence, incidence, and severity were collected in Sargodha's several tehsils, including Shahpur, Bhalwal, Kot-Momin, and Sargodha. Using particular primer sets A2/J5 and OI1/OI2C, the pathogen was characterized from representative citrus greening disease samples. According to the results of the Citrus Greening Disease, Bhalwal had the highest incidence rate (53.33%). Shahpur had 50% of the highest disease severity, whereas Bhalwal had 25% of the lowest disease severity. Twenty symptomatic grape fruit samples, ten fruiter samples, fifteen kinnow samples, five musambi samples, and ten sweet orange samples had their DNA isolated using the CTAB method. The pathogen DNA was recovered from a sweet orange sample that exhibits definite signs of greening and kinnow. Musambi samples were also amplified, and the amplified PCR product was sequenced to examine genetic heterogeneity in several citrus cultivars. To check for variations that would be useful for managing diseases in the future, a phylogenetic tree was generated as part of the phylogenetic analysis process.



Citrus, Greening disease, Molecular detection

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