Selvi Helina, Radix Suharjo, Latifa Nuraini, Kristina Dwiatmini, Intan G. Cempaka, Siti Khodijah, Auliana Afandi


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a vital spice with historical and economic significance for Indonesia. However, the cultivation of black pepper faces challenges, notably foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. One of the strategies to enhance black pepper resistance against foot rot disease is by grafting. By using Piper columbrinum as disease-resistant rootstock, it will influence the plant's defense mechanisms. The paper delves into the mechanisms of disease resistance conferred by grafting, the selection of appropriate scion and rootstock combinations, and the implications of this technique for sustainable black pepper cultivation. In this study, we evaluate the resistance of grafted black pepper against foot rot disease. It was observed that the grafted black pepper has high resistance compared to non-grafted pepper. A PCR test also showed amplification of Resistant Gene Analogs (RGAs) in grafted pepper plant infected by Ph. capsici while the non-grafted plant showed no amplification.


Grafted black pepper, Phytophthora capsici, Piper columbrinum, resistant gene analog

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Copyright (c) 2024 Selvi Helina, Radix Suharjo, Latifa Nuraini, Kristina Dwiatmini, Intan Gilang Cempaka, Siti Khodijah, Auliana Afandi

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